Youngeun Joyce Kang
1. I love you who love the Lord with your whole hearts, grow in the Lord every day, especially read the Bible every morning, and serve the Lord.
2. I love you who love reading and writing books with lots of imagination, knowledge, and wisdom.
3. I love you who love running, never giving up, and reaching the goal.
4. I love you who love Korean foods, make them, and share them with others.
5. I love you who love animals with extraordinary compassion.
6. I love you who love spending time with me and hugging me.
7. I love you who have the most beautiful smile like your father.
8. I love you who grow up beautifully inside and outside one inch taller than me.
9. I love you who know what situations would happen and respond wisely.
10. I love you who do your best in everything; studying, playing piano, playing even games.
11. I love you who make friends easily and get along with them well.
12. I love you who show your love and responsibility as the oldest child, taking care of younger siblings, and sharing your stuff with them.
13. I love you who dream of many things; author, designer, horse farmer, and animal rescuer.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)
I believe that God has been shaping you as a faithful young lady who loves others and prays for others, as He has been doing in me. I pray that Jesus is your light, and gives you the light of life, you will shine His light on others! I love you so much!!
From your mom who loves you so much!
아름다운 엄마와 그 엄마를 똑 닮은 사랑스러운 딸💗