*At Temple Movie Theatre with my treasures
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내 인생에 없어서는 안 될 소중한 것들을 잃지 않게 하소서
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아이들에게 많은 것을 해주려하기보다
부모로서 절대로 하지 말아야 할 것을 않하게 하소서
아이들을 특별하게 잘 키우려 하기 보다
몸과 마음 영혼이 건강한 아이들로 키우게 하소서
내 손에 없는 것들에 눈을 돌리기보다
꼭 잡아야 할 것을 놓치지 않았음에 감사하게 하소서
한 번 뿐인 인생 다른 것을 잃더라도
꼭 간직해야 할 것을 놓치지 않게 하소서
Youngeun Joyce Kang
Rather than going fast,
let me not go astray
than trying to fill my life with success,
let me not lose the precious things
that I must treasure.
than thinking about what I accomplished today,
let me be thankful for having an
ordinary day without any events.
than trying to do many things to my parents,
let me observe the most basic
manners of their child
than trying to do many things to my children,
let me avoid doing things that I
should never do as their parent.
than trying to raise my children especially,
let me raise them to have things to be
than turning my eyes to the things that are not in my hands,
let me be thankful
that I did not lose things that I must hold on to.
I live
only once. Even if I lost other things,
let me not lose things to be treasured.
꼭 간직해야할 것들
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